eCential Robotics, a French growth company that designs, manufactures and markets the first unified 2D/3D robotic imaging and surgical navigation system for bone surgery indications, announced its surgical robotic arm as a world premiere at the annual meeting of the French Society of Spinal Surgery (SFCR), which was held from June 17 to 19, 2021 in Bordeaux. This technological innovation will enhance its unified universal platform combining 2D/3D robotic imaging, navigation and robotic surgery.

New technological brick in the unified eCential Robotics platform
Founded in 2009 by Stéphane Lavallée, eCential Robotics’ mission is to improve the safety and precision of the surgical act, while offering simplicity, fluidity and speed of use. The collaborative robot, CoBot, is the third technological brick in the platform and reinforces the company’s unique and promising concept: to concentrate the flow of surgical tasks on the essentials and make robotic-assisted bone surgery simple enough in clinical routine that it becomes a standard. The eCentialRobotics platform is the only unified solution, which in its core design brings together intraoperative 2D/3D imaging, navigation and robotics, preventing pitfalls of pairing.
Collaborative robot to execute the preplanned gesture
The objective of the CoBot eCential Robotics is to enable the surgeon to perform the procedure as planned with efficiency and reproducible precision. The practitioner plans the implants intraoperatively in relation to the image of the patient in the intervention position, thanks to automatic pre-positioning, and adjusts the position and orientation of the implants on the intuitive interface. The CoBot then intends to automatically align the pedicle targeting instruments on the chosen trajectory, leaving the surgeon in control of the workflow in the sterile zone.
The robotic arm is currently not available for sale, CE marking is in progress.
The foundations of future innovations
Reinforced by this CoBot, the eCential Robotics platform is the cornerstone of the company’s future software developments. Built on a range of applications (“Apps”) currently dedicated to the spine, the system could be extended in the future to multiple indications of bone surgery. These software innovations are already the subject of major investments.
“The CoBot is a collaborative surgical robot that complements the SURGIVISIO imaging robot. The unified platform offers a unique solution that is meant to be simple and efficient for the surgeon. Like the human body, the elements of the platform coordinate for a fluid gesture: imaging robot (eye), CoBot (hand) and navigation station that controls the whole (brain)”, said Laurence Chabanas, CEO of eCential Robotics.