Patients who have tried wearing the device say it has helped with their symptoms – but questions remain over its use.

The NHS is trialling an electric headset which aims to reduce symptoms of depression.

The device uses electric pulses to increase brain activity, and medical trials suggest the equipment could work well.

The electric headset developed by Flow Neuroscience

It is now being tested on NHS patients, but anyone hoping to purchase one privately could have to pay up to £399.

Swedish company Flow Neuroscience created the device. It said the headset stimulates certain areas of the brain that are not as active in depressed people, and the electric currents are gentle and “non-invasive”.

The firm claims 88% of depressed patients who trialled the device were in remission after six weeks – with 74% remaining in remission six months on.

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Long-term questions

The doctor leading the NHS trial has said some patients had come off antidepressants and were now just using the headset to manage their symptoms.

Dr Azhar Zafar would now like to see the devices rolled out across the health service.

“If you look at the overall benefits it can give to our patients by reducing the numbers attending GP surgeries, seeing healthcare professionals, I think it will give a benefit,” he said.

“Overall, the cost will not matter if it’s giving so much benefit to our patients.”

But the cost is likely to be a factor in this product becoming more widely available on the NHS – and there are also concerns about how the treatment works long-term.

GP Dr Anita Raja said: “The main question so far that has arisen with regard to this device: it works so long as you are using it, but when you stop using it what happens?

“Is the person cured of depression? Does the person relapse?”

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence says on its website: “There is not much good evidence about how well transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for depression works, particularly how many treatments are needed and how long the effects last. But there are no major safety concerns.”